What is smart kids 101?

Smart Kids 101 is a curriculum based program, developed by The Virtual Mom, Julie Hunt, for children ages 12 and up, offering training and certification in babysitting, safety, manners, health and business. The DVD trainings are instructor led and available for local recreation centers, Girl Scout Councils, schools, churches or any other venue where children are willing to gather to learn these amazing, easy-to-follow lessons!

Babysitting 101:

This program helps a babysitter understand what it takes to start a career, what parents look for in a responsible babysitter and HOW to entertain kids, from infants to elementary aged.

Topics include:

     ◾Getting your business started

     ◾Understanding the likes & dislikes of children

     ◾Equipping yourself with a fun, practical tote bag & playtime ideas for kids of all ages

     ◾Troubleshooting: solutions to the most common problems a babysitter faces

     ◾Performing first aid – including a demonstration of CPR & abdominal thrusts for choking emergencies

Safe Kids 101:

This 90-minute DVD program opens up the lines of communication between you and your child so you’ll have peace of mind — and so your child will have confidence in how to take care of himself when you’re not around. I’ll teach your children what all parents want to know about teaching important safety principles to kids — and the home alone DVD is broken into chapters so it’s easy to work through smaller sections at a time.

Topics Include:

     ◾Responsibilities when staying home alone

     ◾How to decide whether to answer the door

     ◾Simple first aid — including cuts, burns, and even a demonstration of CPR and abdominal thrusts for choking victims

     ◾Identifying fire safety rules

     ◾Understanding safety in unfamiliar scenarios: around guns, online safety, and near aggressive dogs

     ◾Knowing the truth about abuse, abduction, and stranger danger

Polite Kids 101:

All kids need a little refinement now and again - making this perfect for your elementary-to-middle-school children. This 43-minute instructional DVD program will teach your shy child how important good eye contact is AND show your sassy child how uninviting it looks to have disrespectful behavior.

Topics include:

     ◾Polite and respectful living

     ◾Introducing yourself to others

     ◾How to set an American family style table

     ◾Table Manners – before, during and after the meal

     ◾Classroom etiquette, birthday party manners and good sportsmanship

With Polite Kids 101, you are cordially invited to start changing your family’s behavior — today!

Healthy Habits 101:

Healthy Habits 101 takes solid nutritional and fitness advice and explains it in kid-friendly terms. This 32-minute DVD helps start the conversation that will compel your child to want to make better choices - not because they've been told to make them, but because they understand why a strong body is so essential.

Topics include:

     ◾Making good nutritional choices

     ◾Sleep habits and exercise goals

     ◾Adequate brushing and flossing techniques

     ◾Avoiding the dumb ideas: smoking, drinking, and taking drugs

     ◾Identifying stress busters

Business 101:

Do you have a budding entrepreneur on your hands — a child who has tried everything from selling rocks in the neighborhood to lemonade on the corner? Looking for something to help your middle-schooler begin to think about what career he might want to pursue? Or perhaps you would like some help supplementing your child’s education with some practical skills, such as teaching kids about money? Whether you are a homeschool parent or one seeking a conversation starter during school break, Business 101 can meet your needs! We help your child identify natural talents and gifts and encourage those with real-life stories of young adults who looked at their skill sets and charted a career path. The program can also help identify areas that may need improvement like study skills or attention span. This is truly a program that promotes dreaming for the future.

Topics include:

     ◾What it’s like to run a business

     ◾The advantages and disadvantages of ownership

     ◾Figuring out what fits for you

     ◾Business planning, marketing and advertising

     ◾Understanding simple cash flow – cost and profit

This DVD program will set your young entrepreneur on a course to not only embrace the future, but prepare for it as well. Invest in your child’s future with Business 101!

Contact us directly for individual pricing and group discounts!

A Heart to Live has Partnered with Smart Kids 101 to provide our Dallas clients with the best in everyday life lessons for our children.

"Saving hearts one beat at a time..."

A Heart to Live CPR Training & Health Awareness Service